Unfreedom is a compelling movie, a disquieting and eye-opening tale of truth and reality. The film deals with two different but parallel stories with distinct protagonists in parallel plots, but the same objective of rising above the “Unfreedom” of their life!
The two stories simultaneously juxtaposed; deal with two sensitive subjects that are considered to be crucial worldwide… Homosexuality and Religious fundamentalism! The film consists of some hard hitting, violent scenes, impactful dialogues and splendid love making scenes.
Unfortunately, the film got banned for theatrical release in India, but can be screened in non-commercial private screening events. Though it’s ironical that a film portraying restriction and boundaries made by the governments & societies has itself fallen victim to them.
Exclusive Teasers Of Banned Film Unfreedom
The team of Dark Frames is screening Unfreedom Movie all over India at film clubs, institutions, art houses and similar spaces. You can adopt a private screening for yourself in your city and keep it open for your friends. To adopt a screening of this important film, visit Official Unfreedom Movie Facebook Page and leave them a message. To give you a better insight of Unfreedom Movie, listed below are exclusive teasers from the film.
1. The chilling intense dialogues of Adil Hussain.
2. The subtle expressions of Victor Banerjee and shrewdly written dialogues
3. The profound and brutal truth of religion & violence are sure to give you Cold Creeps.
4. The splendid portrayal of philosophy of unfathomed Love, fantasy and lesbianism.
5. The struggle, the fight to attain freedom from atrocities of life will inspire you.
6. The bold attacks made on blind religious beliefs makes it an important film to watch for all Indians.
7. Most importantly, Unfreedom unleashes the harsh realities of our societal restrictions that we are never going to come out of.
Compiled & Written by Anurag Pandey (Digital Manager, Dark Frames) For MoviesDrop.